Utility Billing
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Lead Service Line Replacement

Ensuring Clean, Safe Water for All Town of Montverde Residents

At the Town of Montverde, we’re committed to delivering safe and reliable drinking water to every home and business. As part of this commitment, we’re working to replace aging lead and galvanized water service lines across the town. This initiative is in response to a nation-wide federal mandate and aligns with our dedication to community health and safety.

Our Lead Service Line Replacement Program is designed to:

  • Service Line Inventory: We’re auditing service lines to determine the presence of any lead components.
  • Replacement Process: Identified lead service lines will be replaced promptly.
  • Private-Side Galvanized Lines: We’ll provide resources to help property owners address galvanized lines on private property, which can absorb lead over time.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with EPA’s Revised Lead and Copper Rule, provide transparency to the process, and keep Town of Montverde ahead of the mandated schedule.

This page will guide you through the process, including what to expect if your service line is being replaced, how to check your water lines, and how to keep your water safe.

Why Are We Doing This?

Lead and galvanized water lines can sometimes pose health risks by allowing harmful particles into your drinking water. The use of lead in construction was a common practice in the water industry, but it was stopped in 1989 when the EPA prohibited the use of lead in water systems. As part of a nation-wide federal mandate to remove any remaining lead components, alongside our continued commitment to your safety, we are working to replace remaining lead lines and components across the town. This will help ensure the highest quality water for your home and the Town of Montverde community.

What’s Happening in Your Neighborhood?

You may see crews in the field assessing service lines. Once lead lines are identified, they will be scheduled for replacement. An Interactive Map below allows residents to see ongoing work locations and check if your area is impacted.

The map below utilizes predictive modeling, combined with field testing, to flag areas that may have lead or galvanized pipes that need replacement. If your address is flagged in the map below, Town crews will be in the field to verify all connections. If it is verified that your property’s system is impacted by a lead pipe or component, the lead pieces will be replaced and staff will provide you with a letter detailing the work done and next steps. You will also be provided a filter kit and instructions on what needs to happen on the private property side.

Click Map to get PDF map for Details

What happens if my service line is lead?

  • All lead service lines identified will be replaced by our crews.
  • Homeowners will receive a notice with instructions on inspecting private lines, replacement steps, and available temporary solutions if immediate replacement is not feasible.

Why would a line on private property need to be replaced?

A line replacement on the property side of the meter is necessary if:

  1. Lead service lines from the water main to the meter are confirmed and replaced by Town staff, and
  2. Lead or galvanized lines exist on the property side of the meter.

Note: Galvanized lines can absorb lead from lead service lines and must be replaced after the town-owned line is replaced.

What needs to be replaced on the private property side?

If notified to replace the line on your property, the replacement should start from the meter to the home’s foundation, typically connected at the main shut-off valve.




Ferndale Community Meeting

Lake County Board of Commissioners have set up the Ferndale Community Meeting on January 22, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss insights from county partners and departments. [pdf-embedder url="https://mymontverde.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/ferndale-meeting.pdf"...

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