Learn About Your Water Supply
In the Town of Montverde, we receive our drinking water supply from the Floridan Aquifer, which is right below our feet! Visit the St. Johns River Water Management District website for information about our Florida aquifers.
Why is Water Conservation Important?
Conservation Saves Money for You & Your Community
Limiting indoor and outdoor water use will reduce your monthly bill. Your community will also save money on pumping and treating water before and after use, and this will delay large costs of the additional alternative water supplies and treatment facilities that will be needed in the future.
Water conservation can positively affect the reliability of your water supplies during periods of high demand (such as summer months) and during drought. The future of Montverde depends greatly upon the availability of water for generations to come. Water conservation is one of the surest, cheapest ways to ensure that future.
Check List of Ways to Save
- Start by checking your water bill! If you are using more than 8,000 gallons of water every month, call us today!
- Add Florida-friendly concepts to your water-thirsty lawns. This will not only save water and money, but it can reduce the amount of pollution entering our waterways, increase water recharge, and create habitat for butterflies and other wildlife. For more information, visit the Florida-Friendly Landscapes website.
Lawn Watering Days and Times
How can you help?
Follow the enforced water schedule below.
- Lawn watering is limited to no more than twice per week.
- EVEN addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday before 10 am or after 4 pm during Daylight Saving Time. Sunday only during Eastern Standard Time.
- ODD addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday before 10 am or after 4 pm. during Daylight Saving Time. Saturday only during Eastern Standard Time.
- Non-residential properties may water on Tuesday and/or Friday during Daylight Saving Time. Friday only during Eastern Standard Time.
- Locations without a discernible address, such as rights-of-way and common areas inside a subdivision, may water on Tuesday and/or Friday before 10 am or after 4 pm.
- Hand watering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day and at any time.
- Daylight saving time:Second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November.
- Eastern Standard Time:First Sunday in November until the second Sunday in March
- Water only when needed and not between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Water for no more than one hour per zone.
- Restrictions apply to private wells and pumps, ground or surface water and water from public and private utilities.
- An odd numbered address is one that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
- An even numbered address is one that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
New Lawns and Plants
- New lawns and plants have a “30-30” establishment period.
- On the day of installation, watering is allowed on any day at any time.-
- During the first 30 days, watering is allowed on any day during the allowable hours.
- During the second 30 days, watering is allowed three days per week: even-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday; odd-numbered addresses may water Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday; and locations without a discernible address may water on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Fountains, Car Washing & Pressure Washing
- There are no specific restrictions on fountains, car washing, and pressure washing.
- These and other water uses should be conducted as efficiently as possible, such as using a shutoff nozzle on each hose to adhere to the general restriction prohibiting wasteful water use.
Thank you for doing your part to conserve the Town of Montverde’s water supply, and do not hesitate to contact us with your conservation questions.